Are You Competent Enough To Handle The Needs Of Your Business As It Grows?

Forge Financial Freedom
3 min readMar 23, 2021

Paying close attention to your competency level doesn’t mean you lack self-confidence — it simply means you’re assessing what knowledge you may need to be successful in your endeavors.

All of us are better in some areas than others.

Some are better writers than mathematicians or better at working outdoors with their hands than in an office.

If you know what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can take steps to fill in the gaps.

Be Honest About Where You Need Improvment

If you know you’re not competent in certain areas of importance to your business or the goals you’ve set, be ready to either gain the necessary knowledge to do the job or outsource the jobs to those who are competent.

Trying to do the job yourself when you know you lack in certain knowledge of the subject will produce a product or outcome that is mediocre — and that should never happen if you want to be truly successful.

Wanting to learn something new that would benefit your business or plans is admirable.

Always Be Learning

If you have the time and energy, it’s a great thing to undertake.



Forge Financial Freedom

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