Why You Should Welcome Failures

Forge Financial Freedom
3 min readDec 7, 2020

Have you been so terrified of failing, that you feel it’s preventing you from moving forward — or even getting started with your online efforts? For scientists and medical researchers, failure can be a good thing.

It means another vital experiment has been eliminated and they can move on to the next. Sometimes, it’s just a numbers game — you have to have a certain amount of failed experiments before you arrive at the one that’s going to make a difference.

Even The Most Successful Have Failed

It’s safe to say that everyone who has become a great success have a few failures under their belts. The difference between them and those who aren’t successful is that the successful learned from their failures — and the others simply accepted failure and gave up.

What doesn’t work is in the past — and what does work can propel you on to future success. You may have never thought of looking at failure as a good thing, but when you fail, it means you’re working hard on your business endeavors and tweaking your system so that it will eventually run like a well-oiled machine.

And what worked for one entrepreneur may not work for another. Find your niche and develop it rather than being a copycat to others. When you give yourself permission to succeed — you also give yourself…



Forge Financial Freedom

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